Here is a list of Tshivenda study materials to aid with your exam preparation, including study guides, past exam questions, memos, and more.
Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS)
National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements are official documents concerning learning and teaching in South African schools. Every allowed subject for grades R through 12 is listed in the policy. The programme and promotion standards for grades R through 12 are also included in the policy. These are the Tshivenda curriculum and assessment policy statements:
Tshivenda Study Guides
Past Exam Papers And Memorandums
Question Paper
- Tshivenda FAL P1 Nov Memo
- Tshivenda FAL P2 Nov Memo
- Tshivenda FAL P3 Nov Memo
- Tshivenda HL P1 Nov Memo
- Tshivenda HL P2 Nov Memo
- Tshivenda HL P3 Nov Memo
Question Paper
- Tshivenda FAL P1 Nov Memo
- Tshivenda FAL P2 Nov Memo
- Tshivenda FAL P3 Nov Memo
- Tshivenda HL P1 Nov Memo
- Tshivenda HL P2 Nov Memo
- Tshivenda HL P3 Nov Memo
Question Paper
- Tshivenda FAL P1 memo
- Tshivenda FAL P2 memo
- Tshivenda FAL P3 memo
- Tshivenda HL P1 memo
- Tshivenda HL P2 memo
- Tshivenda HL P3 memo
Question Paper
- Tshivenda FAL P1 memo
- Tshivenda FAL P2 memo
- Tshivenda FAL P3 memo
- Tshivenda HL P1 memo
- Tshivenda HL P2 memo
- Tshivenda HL P3 memo
Question Paper
- Tshivenda FAL P1 memo
- Tshivenda FAL P2 memo
- Tshivenda FAL P3 memo
- Tshivenda HL P1 memo
- Tshivenda HL P2 memo
- Tshivenda HL P3 memo
Question Paper
Here are a few more tools to help you prepare for your exams.
Have You Made Your Career Choice Yet?
Now that you have made it all the way from your Grade R to Grade 12, have you made up your mind about what career you want to pursue after matric? Have a look at the below questions and click on the links for more information:
Do you know:
- Whether you prefer studying at a College or University?
- The career/course/qualification that you plan to follow after school?
- The subjects that are needed to study for this career choice?
- How you will pay for your studies?
Author: Blaine Alexander Oaker
Editor: Blaine Alexander Oaker
Date: 2022, October 19