Your school Matric results are calculated using two sets of marks:
Your year’s work, including projects, tests, and assessments
Your Matric final exam results
Your year’s work counts for 25% of your final marks. Your Matric final exams count for 75% of your final exams.
Your Adult Matric results are calculated using only your final exam marks.
Can I Combine NSC And SC?
Yes, you can combine your results if you wrote your exams in more than one sitting. Writing exams in multiple sittings can be for many reasons, including but not limited to :
You did a Matric Upgrade after you turned 21
You did Adult Matric and wrote the exams over two exam sittings
You will then have more than one set of results. You can combine these results onto one certificate. Your combined results will only have your best marks. You must apply at the Department of Education for a Replacement Certificate: Change of Status.
To do this, you must:
Have all of your results from all exam sittings
Have your original ID and a certified copy of your ID
Fill in the application form
You must pay the application fee of R153. You can pay online or via the post office. If you also need a Statement of Results, this will cost an extra fee of R55. Note that these prices are valid until 31 March 2023
All applications have moved online because of the pandemic. You need to upload all the documentation. Remember to include your proof of payment
It will take four to six weeks for your certificate to be ready.
What Is B In Matric Results?
A “B” in Matric results is between 70% and 79%. Matric percentages and symbols are as follows:
Percentage Bracket | Symbol |
80% – 100% | A |
70% – 79% | B |
60% – 69% | C |
50% – 59% | D |
40% – 49% | E |
30% – 39% | F |
0% – 29% | FF (Failed) |
What Is Bachelor Pass In Matric?

A Bachelor’s Degree pass is the highest passing level in Matric. There are four passing levels:
- Bachelor’s Degree pass
- Diploma pass
- Higher Certificate pass
- NSC pass/Matric pass
Each passing level has its own requirements, which are as follows:
Pass Level | Requirements |
Bachelor’s Degree pass |
Diploma pass |
Higher Certificate pass |
NSC pass/Matric pass |
How Many Subjects Do You Need To Pass Matric?
To pass your school Matric, you must pass six of your seven subjects, including your Home Language subject. However, if you fail this subject, you have the option to rewrite it to improve the marks and pass.
What Level NQF Is Matric?
Matric is NQF level 4. Any other qualification at NQF level 4 is considered a Matric Equivalent Qualification.
NQF levels determine the educational level of any qualification. There are 10 NQF levels:
NQF Level | Educational Level |
1 | Grade 9 |
2 | Grade 10 |
3 | Grade 11 |
4 | Matric |
5 | Higher Certificate |
6 | Diploma/Advanced Certificate |
7 | Bachelor’s Degree/Advanced Diploma |
8 | Honour’s Degree |
9 | Master’s Degree |
10 | Doctoral Degree |
Who Qualifies For Matric Rewrite?
You qualify for a Matric Rewrite if you meet the following requirements:
You are under the age of 21
You failed Matric but can pass by improving the marks in two subjects or fewer
OR you passed Matric but were unsatisfied with your results and would like to improve the marks in two subjects or fewer
Note that if you failed Matric and will not pass by improving the marks in two subjects, you will not be allowed to rewrite. You may rewrite a maximum of two subjects’ you must rewrite subjects you wrote for your Matric final exams, you cannot change subjects.
To apply for a Matric Rewrite, you need:
A copy of your Statement of Results
A certified copy of your ID
Who Qualifies Matric Upgrade?
You qualify for a Matric Upgrade if you meet the following requirements:
You are over the age of 21
You failed Matric and would like to improve your results to pass
OR you passed Matric but were unsatisfied with your results and would like to improve them
You may upgrade as many subjects as you choose. You may change any or all of your elective subjects. You may apply for a Matric Upgrade as early as 19. However, you must be over the age of 21 to write the exams because you will write the Adult Matric exams.
To apply for a Matric Upgrade, you need:
A copy of your Statement of Results
A certified copy of your ID
Can I Upgrade My Matric Results After 5 Years?
Yes, you can upgrade your Matric results as soon as you turn 21. There is no limit to the number of times you can upgrade your Matric.
Can You Do Matric In 3 Months?
No, you cannot do Matric in three months. Any Matric qualification will take at least 12 months to complete, and can take up to three years to complete.
Can I Change My Subjects After Matric?
Yes, if you do a Matric Upgrade, you can change your subjects. However, you cannot change your subjects if you are doing a Matric Rewrite. This means that in order to change your subjects, you must wait until you are over the age of 21.
What Have We Learned?
- School Matric results are calculated using your year’s work and your Matric final exam marks
- Adult Matric results are calculated using only your final exam marks
- If you do a Matric Upgrade or take your exams in more than one sitting, you can combine your results
- There are four passing levels in Matric, and Bachelor’s pass is the highest passing level
- Matric is NQF level 4
- There are 10 NQF levels
- You cannot do Matric in three months
Author: Chloe Bydawell
Editor: Razeen Dollie
Date: July, 4 2022