Yes, you can combine your Matric results if you have done a Matric Upgrade. Note that the Department of Basic Education does not automatically combine your results unless you have written a supplementary exam.
What Is The Supplementary Exam?
A supplementary exam is also known as a Matric Rewrite. This exam is usually done six months after your Matric final exams. However, it can be done up to five years after your Matric final exams, as long as you are still under the age of 21.
This exam is to improve the marks in a subject straight after Matric. You will register for the supplementary exam in January/February after your results are released. You will then write the exams in May/June.
If you are taking a Matric Rewrite but not straight after Matric, you will have to apply for a combination of results. To do this, you must apply at the Department of Basic Education for a Replacement Certificate: Change of Status.
If you write a supplementary exam, your results will automatically be combined by the Department of Basic Education.

How Much Does It Cost To Combine Your Matric Results?
To apply for a Replacement Certificate: Change of Status, it will cost R153. If you need an immediate replacement, you can get a Statement of Results with your combined results. This will cost an additional R55, and will be available to you immediately.
Note that these fees are valid from 01 April 2022 until 31 March 2023. After this time, the prices are subject to change.
How Long Does It Take To Combine Matric Certificates?
Once you have applied for your combined results, it will take between four and six weeks for your new certificate to be ready.
What Happens When You Combine Matric Results?
Once you have combined your results, your new certificate will show only your best results. You can then use this certificate the same way you would have used your original certificate to apply for work or to further your studies.
However, if you initially passed with a Bachelor’s Degree pass before you apply for a Matric Upgrade, you cannot combine your results. Instead, you will have two Matric Certificates, and you will have to apply for work and further education using both certificates.
Can I Combine NSC And SC?
Yes, you can combine a National Senior Certificate (NSC) and a Senior Certificate (Amended), unless you have an NSC with a Bachelor’s Degree Pass. If you do a Matric Upgrade after you have turned 21, you will write the Adult Matric exams. This will give you a Senior Certificate (Amended).
You can then apply to the Department of Basic Education for a combination of results. The combination of results will only show your best marks, which means if you upgraded any subject but got poorer results, your original results will be on the new certificate and your results will not go down.

How Do I Know If My Matric Certificate Is Valid?
If you want to apply for verification of your Matric Certificate, you can do that through any approved agency. You can find a list of approved agencies on the Umalusi verification page.
Can I Buy My Matric Certificate?
No, you cannot buy your Matric Certificate. Only Umalusi can award Matric Certificates. Umalusi has stated that the buying and selling of Matric Certificates is a criminal offence.
However, if you have lost or damaged your Matric Certificate, you can pay a prescribed fee to the Department of Basic Education to get a new certificate. This will cost the same as a combined certificate, which is R153. This price is subject to change after 31 March 2023.
Do You Get A Matric Certificate If You Failed?
Yes, you do still get a Matric Certificate if you fail. You will receive a Matric Certificate with your subject results, and a statement to say that you have not passed Matric.
Can You Combine Matric Results Online?
You can apply online to have your results combined. However, you will have to go into a DBE (Department of Basic Education) or PED (Provincial Education Department) office to fetch your new certificate.
To apply online, you can fill in the application form for a Replacement Certificate: Change of Status. Once you have done that, you can submit it along with the following documents:
- A certified copy of your ID
- Exam results from all exam sittings
- Proof of payment
You can submit these online. Alternatively, you can download the application form, then print it, fill it in and post it with the required documents including the postal order/proof of payment to:
Private Bag X895, Pretoria, 0001
What Have We Learned?
- You can combine your Matric results
- You can combine NSC and SC
- You can apply for a combination of results online
- You can pay for a combination of results online
- You cannot buy a Matric Certificate
- You do still get a Matric Certificate even if you fail
- It will take four to six weeks for your new certificate to be ready
Author: Chloe Bydawell
Editor: Razeen Dollie
Date: July 4, 2022